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Victory roll fringe/bangs, 1950s vintage style: Rosa
£19.99 GBP
black #1B dark brown #4 cherry red #39 champagne blonde #613 white platinum #1001 + 2 more
Clip in fringe hairpiece/clip-in curtain bangs, with long, face framing whisps: Sabrina
£17.99 GBP
black #1B dark brown #4 dark chocolate brown #6 wheatfield blonde #24H613 + 1 more
Long Yaki perm ponytail extension with tight kinks and waves: Indi
£27.99 GBP
dark brown #4 black #1B chestnut brown #8 wheatfield blonde #24H613 + 1 more
Extension clip on long ponytail hairpiece, curly: Sara
£23.99 GBP
black #1B dark chocolate brown #6 wheatfield blonde #24H613 honey blonde #24BH613 + 1 more

2 reviews